Become a Sponsor of the Delaware Ohio Pride Festival!
Any application received after this deadline is not guaranteed all the sponsorship benefits
listed due to printing cut-off times)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at
All sponsorships are good for 1 year (June through May)
Sponsorship donations are not refundable.
Click our sponsorship application button below!
Sponsorship Levels
$250-$499 donation
Digital Marketing Only: Includes logo in emails, social posts, and posted on our website
$500-$749 donation
Digital Marketing: Includes logo in emails, social posts, and posted on our website
Delaware Ohio Pride business sticker
1 standard-size booth (10’ x 10’, tables/chairs not included)
Logo placement on Sponsorship printed banners around the festival
$750-$1,199 donation
Digital Marketing: Includes logo in emails, social posts, and posted on our website
Delaware Ohio Pride business sticker
Logo placement on Sponsorship printed banners around the festival
1 Double booth (10’ x 20’, tables/chairs not included)
Logo printed on the back of festival t-shirts

$1,200+ donation
Digital Marketing: Includes logo in emails, social posts, and posted on our website
Delaware Ohio Pride business sticker
Logo placement on Sponsorship printed banners around the festival
1 Double booth (10’ x 20’, tables/chairs not included)
Logo printed on the back of festival t-shirts
Special sponsorship announcements over the speaker system throughout the day of the festival
Special sponsorship highlight email.